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Thursday 26 January 2012

InDesign Science City Double Page Spread

Using Indesign I created a sub contents section double paged spread for Science City, by keeping to the colour scheme of green, pink and white which was found in swatches tab at the side.
My page was introducing all low carbon transport pages which followed on following pages, such as Sevcon, Avid vehicles, Nissan(leaf) and Smith Electrical Vehicles,  I was given pages 2-3 as my starting layout but as I did not have the correct information as we had not receive any so I had to make do with dummy text to fill in the spaces where text should have gone and fill it in later when we recieved information.
By using images of the cars for each low carbon transport I made them into circles which they wanted with a green outline by making them circles as it was part of the theme as on examples I seen on nearly every page, I used little dots as the line from the image to the bullet point that it went with.

I think that it was a good effort, now that I have had experience with Indesign I now know how to use it and will be able to create better things.

Sunday 22 January 2012

Flyer,Business Card and Logo.

 By using Gimp 2.0 I was able to create my business card and flyer, by using overlaying on the background I mixed my skull logo and the rough background together but made the skull blend in with the background so it didn't stand out that strongly against everything else. By using VTKS Rude Metal off dafonts I was able to get this text which matches with my website. I then put my details on the front so a customer knows who and how to contact me.

I also used Gimp 2.0 to create my flyer for my website, using lots of different layers to create this look, by using the colours red and black straight away associates with Rock/heavy metal as it can represent fire,darkness or blood, at the bottom of the flyer I used overlapping of famous rockers or images associated with rock or represent a band by overlapping I think it gives the flyer a look that stands out and catches peoples eye, with the information on the flyer I haven't put loads on as I didn't want to overcrowd the flyer so it makes them want to go to my website for more.

I created my skull logo in Photoshop, starting with a photoshop brush and building on top of that, changing and adding effects to make it my own and to make it stand out, I believe this worked well and it is eye catching logo. I chose a skull as it fits in the rock/heavy metal theme and I think it fits well.

Thursday 19 January 2012

Poster for Design Crowd

This is my poster design I created for a client in design crowd, using Photoshop, using bright romantic colours which was asked for by MCF, for the background I used a gradient for the top as it look like a header of some sort and makes it looks more professional, the font in which I used makes it look more female related as the handwriting font looks nice,pretty and fancy. They told me that they wanted some sort of lips on the poster nothing to pout trout look, so I found a Photoshop brush, which gave a good lips look, by doing this then I added some effects coming out of the lips i think this give it an interesting and good look as it will catch peoples eyes. I added every detail of text that they wanted to be on it and there logo which i had to work around as the colours had to work with this and flow.

FTP- File Transfer Protocol.

The process in making my one page website live is by using a FTP, By firstly creating an account on a free web hosting site used , when my account was activated I was sent an email with my username,  password and URL for my web space, with this information I then downloaded Filezilla which is a type of ftp which allows me to transfer my files from my computer into my web space, when this was downloaded it showed 4 boxes at the top for Host, Username, Password and port number, by using the information I was given by the hosting website I placed into each box and typed 21 into the port box as this which allow my to file transfer and clicked connect. 

Once loaded up it then there was two boxes at the bottom side by side, on the left is my computer and all the files such as photos,text,links and the right is my web space, I firstly had to transfer my index page(main page) over to my web space(the right side) I did this by double clicking, it then transferred my file from my computer and copied over onto the side for my web space which then tells me it has been transfer into my web space, by doing that I previewed and realised that all my files had not shown up this was because I had not transferred all my files which make up my website I then transferred all of my files e.g. Images, text etc which make up my website once doing this I previewed again and my site and all the images and text was there and it was live. 

The Devices in which I used to enable me to start creating my website was Hotmail(Email) as once creating an account with the hosting site I was sent an email with all my details on which then allowed me to log into Filezilla, if I did not have this information I would have not been able to transfer anything into my web space.
Software I used is Filezilla which is a FTP (File transfer protocol) without this I was not able to transfer my work over to my web space.

Friday 13 January 2012

Rebellion Logo for Design Crowd

 In Illustrator , I designed a logo for Rebellion gaming which its brief  was colours to be used black and red and they didn't want it to be busy so I went for simple design this was my first attempt which I was not happy with and not my best work however I liked the text but the R was poor by my standards so I decided to create another logo.  I got this brief from DesignCrowd which is basically a online marketing place that provides companies with logos,flyers,etc via their online designers.

My second logo was much better in my opinion this was made in Photoshop, I like this design as it is simple,clean cut and straight to the point, the text is a style of Gothic font, which I think works well as it fits in with the theme rebellion or rebel. I used a Photoshop brush for the inside of the O this represents the whole gaming community expanding out. The colours I used are what were asked of me by using black and red and added white in the bottom one as i gave alternative looks first one with the red photoshop brush, second with the black photoshop brush and last one is what it would look like on a black background, I did three so that the client could see different looks and could choose if they didn't like one they could always like another.

Still waiting on feedback.

Making my webpage live

I designed a web page in Dreamweaver by using an HTML page,images and ccs, to make it live I had to find a free hosting website, however my first choice was not loading and taking a very long time to activate so I had to look elsewhere that's when I found this was alot quicker and was really simple to use, by making an account I was then able to activate my account quickly and start to create my live web page.
By using as my hosting server I was able to make my web page live by using an ftp, the one I decided to use was Filezilla, once I downloaded Filezilla I had to use my login details from and put them into Filezilla, Filezilla then allowed me to transfer all the data and files I had on my computer and Dreamweaver page to my live HTML page, I then had to transfer all my images,ccs files and my HTML page which was made on Dreamweaver across through Filezilla however when doing so and testing my website its showed that my images were not showing when looking at it live as filezilla was looking for the images file and not the file it was situated in, so when it could not find the folder it though it didnt exsist so it did not show up on the webpage, so then had to go back to my Dreamweaver design and change all the image links as they were all linked to a folder on my computer by deleting the folder root Filezilla was able to find my files, as Filezilla was only looking for the name of the file not the folder it was located in, after i changed that then my web page started to take shape.

When my web page went live it looked great all the images and backgrounds were how I wanted them to be, all the links are working the way they should be as when you click on them they open in a new webpage tab. The link to my live web page is have a look around it still needs alot more editing to do but I will always be updating it as I go. These are screenshots of my webpage live in Safari both top of the webpage and bottom.

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Understanding Digital Communications Systems.

Digital Communications is a term that stands for messages being digitally transmitted from one source to another, Worldwide Web consortium (w3c) is the main standards organisation for the world wide web, it deals with the developing protocols and making sure guidelines are being followed and in place.

Wireless access protocol(wap) is a device that allows wireless devices such as a mobile device or ipod connect to a network using Wi-fi, places like McDonald's and Starbucks have a Wi-Fi connection in there stores/restaurant's for their customers to use while on their premises. 

3rd Generation Protocols (3g) is for mobile phones and mobile telecommunications , this is the base for mobiles getting wireless mobile voice calls, mobile internet access, Video calls and mobile tv such things like radio and news updates through your mobile device.
Multimedia message service (mms) is where you can send a standard text message but with the addition of multimedia within that text message such as images and videos and sometimes text pages and these can all be sent to other device.
General Packet Radio Service (gprs) is for mobile data service for the 2g and 3g devices, the usage of gprs is charged based on how much data you download or take, it is typically supplied as a bundle or pay as you go which is basically our phone contracts that people are getting more and more recently  which come as a bundle that you pay a certain amount every month.
On most mobile devices these days they all have bluetooth built in which is a cheap and simple way to send images,music, exchange data etc for free over short distances, as this would not work when trying to connect to a device miles away as this has only a short wavelength therefore is safer with higher levels of security. 
Broadband(adsl and cable) which is service that is provided by a service provider such as Virgin,Sky,BT which are all Internet service providers (isp) which means they are a company which provides access to the internet. ADSL enables faster data transmitters through telephone wires, it is routed to telephone companies and eventually meet a internet protocol which is the cable which is the broadband internet connection.

Instant Messaging is a form of text messaging over the internet between two or more people, e.g Windows Live Messenger, Facebook Chat, which lets you communicate with anyone online at that present time and keep in contact through the internet, it is quick and easy way of communicating through the world wide web. Using emails is a way of getting in contact with another person while being offline or online, by using emails you can save emails,drafts,forward etc, within emails you are able to send multimedia through emails such as videos,music,images and texts. Companies use emails to send information to their customers to keep them up to date with the latest news and offers.

Short messaging system(sms) is a form of text messaging on a mobile device being able to send to another mobile device while on the move it enables a person to send a short message to a friend via devices. Most sms messages are mobile to mobile text messages. Another type of messaging through mobile devices are mms which stands for multimedia messaging system which works in the same way an sms does but with added extra of being able to send images,videos with text within a text message.

Using Video and audio conferencing is a way of communicating by visual and audio devices, such software for example Skype, which uses both webcam and headset audio, Skype lets you have video chats with people online across the internet.
Conferencing through virtual communities which means a community that exists online and has members which makes it what it is by taking part, such as Clans for games, such as WarriorNation which is a clan for online gaming which virtual existence is created by its membership, tag within each game and its online forum which own customised avatar,sig and profile.

The worldwide web (www) is a system of interlinked hypertext dicuments accessed through the internet, with a web browser you can view webpages that contain multimedia such as images,text,videos and navigate through hyperlinks.
Uniform Resource locator is basically the URL of a webpage which is a reference to a specific internet resource.
A domain name is the actual site name for example this would be the top level domain and this would be facebooks domain name, it keeps it simple and easy to spell address and keeps the IP address invisible for most viewers.
Hosting is a big storage internet space which puts all your files onto the internet and makes your webpage go live and be accessible through the web such sites like

A web 2.0 site allows users to interact with each other through social media/networking, social networking is a way of information sharing such as Facebook which is a social networking site enabling people to make their own page by adding any content they want about themselves such as interests and general information about them also by using a wall to post their feelings and what they are doing at that moment in time.

Being able to use digital communication techniques

One type of digital communication that I use alot is messaging systems, such as instant messaging e.g Windows Live Messenger, I use this to communicate with friends over the Internet as it is a quick and easy way of communicating to another person, By just clicking in the space below the conversation screen you can write anything you wish and just click send its just quick and simple way of sending messages.

Other types of instant messaging is programs such as Xfire which is an instant messager for worldwide online gaming via computers, anyone in the world can use this, it is used often for when someone is playing a game people can still instant message people without interrupting them and helps the gaming community get incontact easily by simply adding people and chatting in the text box, It is basically an MSN for gamers.

Email is another useful and popular way of messaging, it is a more professional way of communicating to piers, and other people, the way email is different to instant messaging services such as windows live is that with emails the person you want to communicate with does not have to be online, you can also store and forward email's. The Email service I use is Hotmail, here is a screenshot of me showing an example of what you have to do to send an email, basically writing the person you want to communicate with email address in the space that says to: then enter text in the text box underneath and click send.

SMS which stands for Short messaging system examples such as text messanging via mobile devices, is a fast way to contact someone while on the move, by just getting a mobile device and taking someones mobile number and creating a text message and sending through a mobile network such as 3,Vodaphone,O2 etc.
MMS which stands for Multimedia Messaging Service is a standard way of sending a text message but with multimedia content e.g images,videos to and from other mobile phone devices.

A Web 2.0 site allows users to interact with each other through social media, more to the point of information sharing such as blogs and discussion forums. One discussion Forum i venture on from time to time is Warrior Nation which is a gaming clan forum which discuss' about what events are happening and shares important information with their members, basically you click on which ever topic you want to view and comment in the comment box at the bottom of the screen and it sends to the server which it then stays on for everyone to see and respond to your comment.

Youtube is a type of information sharing and virtual learning as you can place videos on here for distance learning etc, to use youtube all you have to do is type in the search box the video you want to watch and click the magnifying class and find the video you want, here is a few screenshots I took of myself using Youtube by uploading and searching.


Social Networking is used most commonly all around the world, it is a way of information sharing with friends using a profile to display your interests,hobbies and other things you like to do, you can share what your thinking by updating a Status which is basically whats on your mind or what your doing at that present time. This screenshot is on my facebook page as I am a big facebook user sharing images and status' nearly everyday.

Using Devices.
Skype is a device in which uses a webcam,microphone and instant messaging it is a type of conferencing software, adding contacts by their skype name and then either Voice call which is just using the microphone,Video Call with microphone and webcam or just IM people. With Skype you can have group video calls, so if you have to have a meeting or cant make one you can video call all over the world from whereever you are and have a meeting through Skype.

Xbox Live is another conferancing software used within the xbox gaming community, it is used to that while people are in game they only have to have a headset on their heads so speak freely without having to stop through the middle of a game to talk to someone. All is needed is their gamertag (which is basically like a username but shows their gamerscore and avatar) add that to your contacts and then click to call them. Simple as that.

Bluetooth Devices such as mobile phones are used as a free way of sending images/videos to other devices, just have to choose a image/video and go to options,send,via bluetooth and that is sent. Here is an image of me sending an image via bluetooth on my mobile device.

Tuesday 10 January 2012

My one page website.

My one page website is named "Music that rocks" as it is all about heavy metal rock, bands such as Iron Maiden, ACDC, Motorhead etc. I chose to do this topic as I enjoy listening to this kind of music and see rock bands whenever I can.
My target audience for my site is for both males and females as this kind of music can appeal to anyone, I believe my site meets this target audience as it has elements of young and old within it both male and female, the young, being the hip background and old being the rough and rugged text. However the colours stick to the rock theme keeping to black and dark colours with a contrast of white, and a hint of red which could be related to fire or blood.

 By using multimedia, for example Youtube videos, images, text and interactivity e.g. scrollers and arrow buttons within site, it lets audience browse and it keeps them on the site for longer as it keeps them interested and informed with the updates box. By also incorperating advertisement  it helps the site get views and yet another form of information to the audience. 
The site also gets money for advertising on their site this is good way to make business on your website as you can use pay per click (PPC), which is where the advertising companys pay the website owner everytime the advertisment is clicked and is a good way of makin money for the website.

By incorporating Social networking into my website such as Facebook and Twitter it helps my website connect with the networking community, By having Facebook linked to my site which has more than 800 million active users it helps me share information with thousands across the network by them liking my page sends out information, updates and links which will lead them to clicking directly to my website, this helps with information sharing, sending information from our site straight to Facebook and twitter users and will bring more people to the site.

This was my Photoshop design of my website, essentially the draft, I think its looks appealing and eye-catching and relates well to the theme however I forgot to take into account keeping within guides and sizes of the logo and spacing between itself and the header so I had to adapt in dreamweaver to make it look as similar as possible to the layout I did in photoshop. I think the concept and overall designing of the page layout is simple not to cluttered, making the text boxes look as if the background has been lifted from the background itself for the text i thought was an interesting and creative look to the website and gave it a great look. When making my website I have to take into account Copyright permissions, as I have images from bands and for me to be able to use this I would have to contact the band direct e.g I would have to contact Iron Maiden or their record company and ask their permission to use an image or video of them if i did not do this I would risk going to court.Some heavy metal bands are known for their violent approach to music, so I would have to take ethical considerations, choosing album covers and content carefully as some bands albums could be offensive to certain religions or people of a different views such as Black Sabbath- Heaven and Hell album as it is showing angels smoking, this could offend anyone with the beliefs of angels being messengers of god,protecting and guiding them such as Christians. 

By using hyperlinks in my website it lets my viewers browse websites which relate to my own one page site, so they can get a better understanding of what other rock sites are like and browse different opinions. I have made my Hyperlinks through site logos so as they clink on a logo it takes them to their website I feel this gives it a more interesting and appealing look than just text hyperlinks. 
The software I used for my one page website was Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5 for my main final design which goes live, my one page website was made on a HMTL page which stands for Hyperlink text markup language, HTML is basically lots of codes in which the browser site reads to tell the browser what the website should look like and how it should work.

I used Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 for my draft website and to make my logo,  I also used Inkscape and Safari. I also used CSS to make my website through using codes in a style sheet. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets, which is a style sheet language which is commonly used to style webpages written in HTML. To make my website cross browser format I made my website live and tested it out in browers such as Mozilla Firefox, Google Crome and Internet Explorer, I tested my website out in different browsers because in some browsers the website changes and looks different as each browser can read the HTML differently than others so i had to test that it worked in different browsers,  when I previewed my website in these three browsers it looks ok as everything was inside the viewing screen and images and content were all where they should be placed however the background duplicated which was a downfall as I felt the site did not flow as good as it would with just one continual background and that that background was to dark at the top.FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol, I used Filezilla which is a free ftp client, basically taking files and transferring them into a web space, with Filezilla i was able to transfer my webpage to x10hosting.  I then connected to port 21 which then allows me to initiate the file transfer, I used to host my actual webpage.I believe my finished product in Dreamweaver was very successful but as I started to create in Dreamweaver I encountered some problems when trying to build my site, the coding and layout was not thought out when designing in Photoshop as the grid lines were not there and it made it difficult to make in dreamweaver, it could have been a lot better if planned out more accurate,i'll know next time to use the margins and grid to plan out my website, the technique composite was not that good as some parts of the website would not work the way I wanted it to for example the arrow on the videos to move along had problems so I disregarded it however the images and text worked well and looked like they were suppose to and the youtube video in the centre looked great by adding a black background to the cell of the video it made it stand out from the rest but not too much to take away the whole website. Using colours like red,black and white makes the site stand out and also show that it has a certain continual theme which fits in with rock.When I received feedback from my peers, they gave me helpful information on how to improve my website and in which areas, one peer said "I like the idea of using the scroll box for the text but I think the video of the week text looks to big" which i took on board, they told me what they liked and what they thought looked not so good, they gave me constructive criticism which I took on board to try and improve my webpage.
Overall I think my website is fit for purpose and its content and the overall look about my website fits in with the theme, it is very different to my Photoshop design and I only kept some elements to my photoshop design but I think the end result of my live webpage is good and works well, it also fits nicely in with my rock theme.My website URL is have a look.